Track and reduce CO2 emissions from your computing
AI can benefit society in many ways but, given the energy needed to support the computing behind AI, these benefits can come at a high environmental price.
CodeCarbon is a lightweight software package that seamlessly integrates into your Python codebase. It estimates the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by the cloud or personal computing resources used to execute the code.
It then shows developers how they can lessen emissions by optimizing their code or by hosting their cloud infrastructure in geographical regions that use renewable energy sources
What it is
A lightweight and easy-to-use Python pip package
Emissions tracked based on your power consumption & location-dependent carbon intensity
Effective visualization of outputs in an integrated dashboard
Open-source, free, and driven by the community

Calling out : Read more on Medium
A single datacenter can consume large amounts of energy to run computing code. An innovative new tracking tool is designed to measure the climate impact of artificial intelligence.
Kadan Lottick, Silvia Susai, Sorelle Friedler, and Jonathan Wilson. Energy Usage Reports: Environmental awareness as part of algorithmic accountability. NeurIPS Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning, 2019.
➜How it works
Download the package
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Read the documentation
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Embed in your code with just a few lines of code
Run your code and let CodeCarbon track your emission
Visualize the output in clear dashboards
Visualizing the outputs & insights

Emissions for individual code repositories based on infrastructure and power consumption.

Exemplary equivalents to put emissions in context.

Recommends compute regions with lower carbon intensity for major cloud providers – AWS, Azure, and GCP.
Call for action
Use CodeCarbon, Contribute to its development, and spread the word !

We look forward to developers and researchers using the tool and sharing their feedback

We look forward to developers contributing to CodeCarbon development

We also encourage you to spread the word about CodeCarbon among your colleagues and peers in conferences, on social media platforms, and developer forums
CodeCarbon is maintained by these contributor
Here is the team that built CodeCarbon. Join us and help improve CodeCarbon !
CodeCarbon was developed by four partner organizations and is made freely available to the community.
Sasha Luccioni
Postdoctoral researcher
AI for Humanity
Victor Schmidt
PhD Student
Tristan Mallet
Data Science
Kamal Goyal
Senior AI
Software Engineer
Aditiya Joshi
AI Software Engineer
Sorelle Friedler
Associate Professor,
Computer Science
Jonathan Wilson
Associate Professor,
Environmental Studies
Ziyao Wang
Haverford class of 2022
Nicolas Laskaris
Data Scientist
Boris Fled
Senior Software Engineer
Douglas Bank
Head of Research
Clever Cloud is an IT Automation platform. They manage all
the ops work while you focus on your business value.
Clever Cloud is supporting the project by providing us free hosting for the Code Carbon API.